We have extensive experience in research and partnering with industry to provide innovative solutions to microbiological challenges.

Our experience.

We are a microbiological research and consulting business based in Sydney, NSW. Our team led by Prof Gary Dykes has over 25 years experience in conducting industry-led research to practical outcomes in 5 countries.

We have worked across a range of enterprises with a focus on the meat, ready-to-eat, horticulture and natural product industries. We have provided the underpinning science for the control of pathogens and biofilms, novel preservation methods and regulatory compliance (see some featured publications here and a full list of our work here).

Working with industry we have developed novel foodborne pathogen detection methods and shelf-life extension methodologies, and been recognized for these with innovation awards (see videos here and here).

We are committed to providing our clients with the science-base to achieve their goals in an agile and responsive way.

About Gary.

Prof Gary Dykes is an internationally recognised microbiologist who has pursued a successful career spanning several diverse organizations in the research and academic sectors in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Canada and South Africa. He holds a PhD in microbiology from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. His work focusses on microbiological food safety and in particular the innovative control of foodborne pathogens on various foods (especially meat) and food contact surfaces. His experience extends into other areas of microbiology including public health, environmental and dental microbiology. He has published over 200 scientific papers during his extensive career.

Gary is passionate about the translation of research to create impact in the real world and his work has resulted in solutions for industry problems, new innovations, improved public health outcomes, and the building of capability through education. He has received substantial research grant funding for industry-led work from bodies such as the Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC), Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Rural Industry Development Corporation (now AgriFutures Australia). Internationally he has been invited onto expert panels convened by the WHO-FAO and onto COST grants led out of the European Union. He actively engages with Australian industry through his research and also other activities such as acting as a technical assessor for NATA laboratory accreditation.

Gary’s experience represents a significant resource for industry looking for research-based solutions to their microbiological challenges.